The Good Kind Of Screen Time
Kids participate in live online lessons, interacting in real-time with an experienced teacher and a small group of students. They can ask questions and get immediate answers within the framework of the course. Together we create cool apps, code virtual 3-D robots and edit videos while mastering coding and digital art.
- 2 hours,
1hr class + 1hr practice - Weekly Study Group Session
- 10 Students
- 9 Months

What if your child’s after-school program taught them how to build an app, produce a video, or code a robot? Ours does.
Live Lessons Online
We teach live classes online: a teacher and a small group of students meets once a week in a virtual classroom. We use web conference technology that allows live student-teacher interaction, including screen sharing, so everyone can see what the teacher is doing on their desktop. Students can fully participate in the lesson by using chat or their microphones. This method of teaching adds both a social and emotional element that supports the learning process immensely.

Additional Weekly Practice Sessions
In addition to the 1-hour lesson every week, students are invited to join a weekly practice hour with a teacher. Kids access practice sessions through our online learning environment: they can ask questions, raise topics they would like to know more about, and receive personal attention from the teacher. Since we spend most of the class time working on projects, kids get great pleasure participating in the practice sessions and progressing at their own pace.

Recorded Lessons
All the lessons and practice hours are automatically recorded and available to students throughout the course. Kids who want to catch up on missed lessons or rewatch a favorite class can listen to these recordings on demand, simply by logging into the online learning environment and going to their course page, where they can also check the curriculum and download exercises.

Learning by Doing
When kids make something, they get excited! Our syllabus is divided into projects; each eventually becomes a product kids can share with family and friends. Why project-based learning? Because as students focus on creating a game they can show to their friends, they’re learning other skills, like calculating angles and the distance between players. That's why most of our class time is dedicated to projects rather than lessons.

Classes that Work With Your Kids’ Schedule
Our annual courses run during the school year, with a new semester opening every three months due to popular demand. Classes are taught on weekdays during the afternoon and evening, according to your local time zone. During school vacations, we run fun coding camps that are spread over the course of 2 weeks. If you are having difficulty finding a class that's suitable for you, simply go to the relevant course page and check the schedule or talk to an admissions counselor.

How We Communicate With Parents
Parent-teacher meetings - A few lessons after the course starts, parents are invited to a parent-teacher meeting to get to know the teacher and familiarize themselves with the course content.
Periodic progress emails - During the course, parents receive emails updating them on class progress.
Lesson reminders - Parents receive emails, SMS and WhatsApp messages notifying them about their child’s upcoming classes.
Absence alert email - When a child doesn't show up to class, their parent receives an email update, offering help if necessary.

We Care About Your Child's Privacy
Tekkie Uni complies with COPPA: Children's Online Privacy Protection Act. As a parent, you can manage the settings of your child's learning environment, deciding what s/he can see, do and share while studying. Read more about Our Privacy Policy and COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection) Notice.

Best of Technology and Best of Education
Long gone are the times when code was a tool of the selected few.
With the aid of technology, we bring the gift of innovation to kids everywhere.
Log in to your virtual classroom for your weekly lesson. -
Speak to teachers and friends in real-time and get answers to all your questions. -
Check your schedule, watch lessons recordings and download exercises from your personal student locker.
Create cool projects, share them with family and friends and get a certificate at the end of the course.