top Graduates

Liad began learning with us when he was in 7th grade, and learned in the program until the end of 10th grade. Liad says that he has always been interested in the world of computers, and always wanted to understand how each action[...]

Pini began learning with us when he was 11 years old, and learned in the program for three years. Pini says about himself that when he grows up he wants to work for a hi-tech company like Apple or Google, in a field connected to[...]

Noam began learning with us when she was 12 years old, and learned within the program for 3 years. Noam says of herself that she loves to dance, to design things, the edit and the program. When she grows up, she wants to work at a[...]

Omer began learning with us when he was 15, and learned in the program for 3 years. Omer says that he loves designing and writing specs for applications. "I have been in the field for close to 4.5 years. I love developing and[...]