If there’s one thing we know for sure, is that tomorrow’s world will require from us more teamwork abilities than before. There will be an increased requirement to work with others, to lead and to create nonexistent innovations from scratch, while thinking as a collective.
Most parents will agree that activities aimed at increasing children’s self-esteem are vital. It allows them to believe in themselves, express themselves freely and understand processes by engaging in simple tasks and challenges. That being said, it is not easy to instill teamwork values and increase the self-esteem of children while living in a society that is becoming increasingly competitive.
There are fields of study, and some extracurricular activities that are taking these issues very seriously, and are offering impactful solutions for kids to have fun, strengthen their 21st-century skills, become more future-ready, and at the same time, gain incredible tools to become distinguished team workers (and leaders) who have high, but healthy, levels of self-esteem.
At the end of the day, we want people who understand the value of a team-leading the world of the future. So which fields of study and activities are we talking about? What can your children do to increase their self-esteem levels and become better when working with others? Interestingly enough, the answer lies in the field of robotics.
Remember when we discussed the importance of robotics competitions? Inspired by the comments we received from the readers of that article, we decided to swim a bit deeper into the world of robotics for educational purposes and to show you that by learning how to code a robot, your children will be gaining unprecedented skills that are going to be inordinately useful for their future. Does it sound counter-intuitive to teach people skills through robotics? Read on to find out why it’s a unique solution.
Coding robots can help your kids work better in teams
When it comes to robotics within educational fields, multi-functional teams are often working on one project at the same time. This is because one person cannot do the work alone and many skills are needed in the collaboration process. When coding robots, you need more than just an understanding of programming languages. You need team members with an understanding of sensors, power supplies, control systems and motors and much more. Working together, each “expert” executes parts of the unique plan that involves all the minds working on a specific project.
But how do you explain to kids the importance of bringing our knowledge and sitting together with others, who are bringing their unique understanding of things, to build something bigger and better together? Well, you can start by saying that teamwork is as simple as working together and cooperating to achieve a specific goal or objective.
Just like with robots, an area in which parts need to be put together, to create something that moves as an entire thing, there are other activities that can help your children work together with their peers: Puzzles, board games, and even some educational video games can help your children understand the importance of the “teamwork” concept.
Robotics competitions
A field in which your children will doubtlessly understand the importance of teamwork is when participating in robotics competitions. Initiatives like the ones organized by LEGO, VEX, or even the CoderZ League, are places in which the teamwork conduct and beliefs will be motivated from the very beginning.
In these competitions, the team selects a team leader and all members work together to achieve one common goal by each doing what they do best. Whether it’s programming, putting the robot’s pieces together, designing the route the robot will follow or designing the team’s branding – everyone is a part of a great goal.
All of these areas of work, and the many others that appear when participating in the robotics competitions, are as important as the other, and all kids will put their best effort to make things work as a collective, as a unity, as a team.
Robotics for education and self-esteem
How is self-esteem related to all of this? Well, let’s consider an example that relates to you as an adult. How did you feel the last time you finished a job that took you a very long time, and that it turned out perfect? The pride and fulfillment in a job well done is an incredible feeling! That is the same sense of pride and success your kids will have at the bottom of their hearts when working with educational robots.
Can you imagine how they will feel when seeing that all the tiny parts they put together, plus all the code they wrote for hours, plus all the tiny problems they solved during the days they worked hard on their project, turn into an amazing little robot that does exactly what the team wants it to do?
Clearly, when achieving success while creating something of their own from scratch, self-esteem reaches new hills.
Let your kids code their very own robots!
In the live and online coding courses offered by the Tekkie Uni team, your children can design and program their very own robots in an environment that is fun, safe, and supportive.
Instructors that are experts in the robotics field will guide them through the entire process with a few goals in mind: Allowing your children to express themselves freely, understanding that mistakes are nothing more than amazing learning experiences, and comprehending that each kid has a specific learning style, but that every single student can reach their full potential when motivated in the right way.
Let your kids code their way to success. It is now up to you!