Top 4 coding myths debunked! Is coding boring?

There are many myths about coding that are out there, and most likely, you’ve heard more than one of them. Many people used to think, for example, that coding isn’t for girls. Some other people wonder if programming requires math, or simply if programming will be hard or not for their kids.

Parents from all over the world, with natural misconceptions about computer science, constantly ask our instructors how long it takes to learn to code, and begin to debunk numerous computer myths by seeing how their children laugh at them when they ask them if coding is boring. Don’t feel bad if you are part of this group!

Questions like “Can anyone learn programming?”, “What are the top 5 programming languages by popularity?” or “Is programming hard?” come our way every day. In this article, we will go ahead and debunk 4 coding myths to make you feel better and more relaxed.

We will go over 4 of the most typical questions and misconceptions parents have about coding, and we will show you not only why your children should learn how to code in order to develop and strengthen their 21st-century skills, but also how simple, engaging, and fun things can be when they learn programming in a safe and enjoyable environment.

So, first of all, we invite you to identify the myths about coding you already know and to write them down. Write down also the preconceptions you have about how much math is actually needed when creating an app, or the ideas you might have on how hard it is to develop nice software to help our society. When you do that, continue to read this article…

Prepare to be surprised, since you might be terribly mistaken, or maybe, way closer to reality than you thought. The only important thing here is to comprehend that your children must gain these useful skills, and that anyone can learn how to code. But let’s not jump ahead of ourselves.

Are you ready to debunk some myths? Here we go! Don’t forget your notes, keep them by your side.

Coding and computer science myths

The first and most important myth is that programming is not for girls. For some weird reason, tons of people say, with conviction, that girls can’t code. They are wrong. Terribly wrong.

Actually, numerous organizations and initiatives exist to empower girls and women, and to encourage young talents to join the STEM, tech, and coding fields. Have you heard of “Girls Who Code?” or about Reshma Saujani? Read about them, you won’t regret it.

Besides this big myth we already debunked in a previous article, we went through all of our records, and revised a number of rankings. All of this, to bring you the top 4 myths about coding and their real answer.

Check out the list we are bringing you now, and in case you have any other preconceptions about programming you would like to clarify, we encourage you to leave a message in the comment section of this article.

Is coding hard to learn?

Before going through this typical question parents ask all the time, let’s say something: Whatever level of difficulty programming might have, your children will have to learn it. Why? Because when they learn how to code, they gain and strengthen a number of skills that’ll help them think in a different way and succeed in tomorrow’s world.

Regardless of the career they pick for themselves, the abilities they’ll pick up while learning how to code or while developing their very own app, will accompany them for the rest of their lives and help them reach higher levels of success.

Now, is programming really hard? Actually not. The key is to think of coding as a second language. Just like when you had French, Spanish, or English lessons at school. Programming is precisely that: a language. When you learn a new language, it will be easier to comprehend how the things that were created with this language work, and how the thought process of their creators was applied.

Think about this: Programming is about thinking about a great idea, designing something friendly around it and setting up a number of rules and steps for that idea to work when someone that isn’t you, tries to utilize it. Not hard, right?

That being said, we would like to mention that coding is indeed extremely challenging. But, hard? No sir! Just like NLP experts say, when you modify the focus or the intentions of your thoughts and words, your approach to a certain subject is also modified. When we say that coding is challenging, but not hard, we invite your kids to accomplish a mission, and to enter a world of achievements and steps where everything is possible.

So, let’s recaption this whole thing: Coding is a second language, which is just as necessary and fun as it was for you to learn your second language in school. If your kids don’t get to learn it, it will be like if you didn’t know how to say a word in any language other than your own.

Also, coding is not hard. Instead, coding is challenging; and that turns it into an engaging, entertaining, scalable, and interesting field both for yourself and for your children. Are you guys ready to take the challenge and create a spectacular app or a fun game? The time is now!

Does programming require math?

A lot has been said about the relationship between coding and math. Many parents think that if their kids want to succeed as programmers, they need to have an extensive, successful and provable mathematical background. Let us tell you that those parents are not right.

In the past, we wrote an entire article about coding and math, and how this whole relationship can work the opposite way around. Did you know that by learning how to code your children can improve their math skills and do better in their math tasks at school?

This happens for a very simple reason: as we said before, coding teaches them more than just coding. Coding teaches your kids a new way of thinking, and increases their fundamental capacity to solve problems.

If you could define which 21st-century skill is the one mathematicians need the most, which one would you choose? Most likely, and forgive us if we play detective, you were thinking about problem-solving, and you are totally right.

Programming does not require math; it requires a way of thinking that can actually help coders do better in math. Interesting, isn’t it? So even if your boy wants to be a dancer, or your girl would like to become an astronaut, they can easily learn how to code, gain useful skills, and in the meantime… create a spectacular app.

Is coding boring?

We know it is very rude to answer a question with another question, but here we go: is making your dreams a reality in the most creative and innovative way possible boring? We guess you are now answering yourself.

It is true, sometimes coding can get a bit technical since programmers need to follow a number of established steps and rules to make things happen. But boring? Not at all! While coding, your children can turn their dreams into breathtaking, technological realities.

Coding will require them to design, investigate, analyze, create, test, and even play! Can you imagine your children getting bored while doing this in a fun, engaging and entertaining environment with some spectacular instructors and classmates from different cities and countries?

Can anyone learn programming?

Simple as this: Yes. Anyone can learn how to code. Some people say that programming is not for everyone, or that only geeks and nerds are suitable for this kind of activity. Well, again, they are terribly mistaken.

Did you know that over 65% of programming jobs are outside the industry of technology and Hitech? This fact shows the world that the abilities people gain while learning how to code can be widely used in thousands of fields, even those considered to be artistic or humanities.

The question is not about who can learn how to code, but actually about what’s the ideal environment to teach coding, so anyone can learn it in a successful way. We already understood that anyone can learn how to code, but how?

The key is offering an engaging space where learners can feel comfortable to just test, do, and make mistakes. The ideal learning environment is one in which students can experience, hands-on, all the possibilities coding can give. It is an environment in which learners can create, and witness their very own amazing progress.

Anyone can learn programming, but not anyone can teach it. We suggest you look for an experienced teacher with an innovative methodology. This will create an engaging environment that will make your kids want to learn, and keep on learning. Promise!

Learn coding today. No myths allowed.

Your kids can begin their coding adventure today. As you already know: Coding is not hard, they don’t need to be math experts, it is not boring at all, and anyone can learn how to code.

Now, it is up to you to give them the chance to experience the world of coding and to let them imagine all the amazing things they will create when they learn the fundamentals of coding. If you enroll your kids in one of Tekkie’s online coding classes, you will shortly see them programming their own games, creating amazing apps, and most importantly: Thinking in a different way.

Are you ready to empower your children with the skills of tomorrow? The time is now!


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